A Timeline of How I've Listened to Music

We all have different devices or methods of how we listen to our favorite music. It may be on a stereo or headphones. You may use streaming services or make your own playlists or just listen our entire library (try it you may find hidden jams). Since my teenage years, the way we listen to music has changed drastically with various pros and cons. Today I'm going to like back to how I listened to music the pros/cons and what music comes to mind from that era.

Stereo- CDs/Radio

When I was about 13 years old for Christmas my grandma gave me money and with that money I bought three things. A stereo for my room (similar to the pic above) Kanye West's album College Dropout and John Mayer's album Room for Squares. I would sit in my room and listen to the radio and the two albums I owned.

Memorable song(s):

No Such Thing- John Mayer
Two Words-Kanye West

Solid sound
No headphones

No remote
Had to listen at a reasonable volume
Had to listen to the album in order and hard to rewind songs

Red Mini Van

Like many teenagers when I first got my drivers license I had to drive my family's car. For me that was a red mini-van. The music I remember listening to most was Lil Wayne's the Da Drought/Dedication series. I probably had 10 different burnt CDs with the various mixtapes on them.

Memorable song(s):

Top Back- Lil Wayne
Whatever You Like- TI

Easy to switch songs
Driving to music automatically makes it better

Not the best sound quality probably broke some speakers due to high levels of bass... sorry mom.

Gold iPod Mini

While in High School between classes I used to listen to music on a gold iPod Mini. I thought I was the man because it was gold and I had around 500 songs in my hand. It was amazing the not have to bring multiple CDs with me plus the iPod was much smaller than a CD player.

Memorable song(s):

Be Intro- Common

It's gold
500 songs

Had to take the time to put your playlists/songs together

iPhone/Apple Music

I would be lost if I every lost my iPhone. Remember the days (5 years ago) when you had to have separate devices for an mp3 player/camera/phone/gps. When I was in high school my basic flip phone played the corny ringtone version of Lil Wayne's Lollipop and I thought it was the coolest thing ever. Now my iPhone can stream millions of songs and that's just it's music function. I use Apple Music and I really enjoy it, the fact that if I am on wifi I can stream curated playlist based on what I like is amazing. I also enjoy the various radio shows including OVO Sound Radio. The best feature of Apple Music is that if there's a great song playing on one of the radio shows all I have to do is push the plus icon and that song is now added to my library.

Any song you could ever want at your finger tips (other then Tidal exclusives)
Apple Music is based on what music you like

You must be on wifi to stream
If you have music in your library that Apple Music doesn't recognize you have to download it to your phone and it won't stream

Thanks for reading!



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