My Experience Purchasing a Record Player
Yesterday was Record Store Day, where people were encouraged to visit their local record store. As someone who loves music, I've always wanted a record player to play vinyl. The experience of the album art and the richer sound is something that I enjoy. With the convenience of digital streaming music, we lose the art and patience of music. So yesterday I decided to purchase a record player after years of wanting to own one. I felt a reconnection with music that I've heard numerous times before by having a different listening experience. When I put on Purple Rain onto my record player I was forced to sit and simply listen to the songs. I couldn't multitask with my headphones in or skip songs with ease. I simply sat back and listened to the songs in the order and sound that Prince meant for them to be listened in. I also purchased a few of my favorite recent albums that sound great on vinyl. The album that I got that sounds great on vinyl is House of Balloons by The Weeknd....